Remember this Haven for college radio?
Haven Hall has been home to countless Beloiters since it was completed in 1927, not only as a place to sleep, but also as the site of the beloved college radio station WBCR 90.3 FM.
For nearly a dozen classes of Beloiters, radio shows broadcast in Haven filled the airwaves with tunes from every genre. Students found their voices — metaphorically and otherwise — and connected with friends, mentors, and community members about sports, pop culture, campus life, and more. In early 1985, the reopening of Pearsons Hall shifted the station to yet another campus location, but Haven’s uniquely dorm-like studio setup remains one of the highlights of Beloit life for students of the decade.
Do you have any photos of WBCR in Haven? Can you identify these deejays? Email us at