April 28, 2021

Toys in the Age of Wonder: Science Fiction, Society, and the Symbolism of Play

McFarland, 2020
By Mark Rich’80

Exploring the realms of childhood, literature, science, and history, this innovative study weaves together the histories of wonder tales and children’s toys, focusing specifically on their modern aspects and how they reflect and express the social attitudes of the period beginning around 1957.

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  • Ying Pang’90, shown in 1989, stands in front of Middle College holding a computer science textbook.

    Becoming an International College

  • Fran Stahr’51 was one of five players known as the “Bucket Brigade” on Beloit’s pivotal 1950-51 team. Then-student Ray Metzker’53, who later became a revered art photographer, captured it all.

    A Decade of Dominance and Half a Century of Success

  • Students working in Career Works, the college’s recently renamed career center.

    New Action Plan Expands and Strengthens College-Career Connections


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